6 Questions You Need To Ask If You Are Considering Divorce
Two of the biggest life decisions that most people have to make are deciding whether or not to get married and, later, whether or not to get a divorce. There is no shame in it: half of all adult Americans get married at some point in their life, and half of all American married couples get divorced. Having said that, divorce is still just as major of a life decision as getting married in the first place, and should be treated with the same care and consideration.
If you are considering divorce, you might not want to just jump into it on a whim. Here is our list of 6 questions that you need to ask yourself if you are thinking about getting a divorce:
Are You Being Valued in Your Relationship?
People naturally change over time: sometimes they grow closer, and sometimes they grow further apart. A good starting place is to seriously examine whether you are being valued by your spouse within your relationship. Are they meeting your emotional needs? Are they sharing your values? Are they empowering you to be the best version of yourself?
What Does Your Life Look Like Without Your Spouse?
Divorce means a significant change in your day to day life, your finances, your living situation, and your social life. Take the time to imagine what your life would be like without your spouse in it whatsoever. Are you happier? Are you lonelier? Are you more free? Are you open to another relationship in the future?
How Will Your Spouse React?
Some couples argue for decades before getting a divorce, and some never once discuss their feelings. If you have spoken to your spouse about the concerns that are leading you to consider divorce, how did they react? Did they listen to you and make you feel heard? Did they make any substantial changes? If you have not yet spoken to them, do you feel that you can? Are you afraid of how they will react?
How Will it Affect Your Children?
A parent’s first thought when they are considering divorce is often of their children. Since plenty of spouses are children of divorce themselves, they know the emotional stress it can cause. Make certain to remember that having parents in a destructive marriage is often even worse for children than having divorced parents. You know your own children better than anyone else does, so consider how they will react and how you could make things easier on them.
What Preparations Can You Make?
Certain things that are important in a divorce, such as making copies of your spouse’s financial records and legal information, are much easier before you let your spouse know that you are serious about getting divorced. Speak to your lawyer to know what will help your case, but consider doing that before you and your spouse leave each other’s lives for good.
What is the Next Step?
Once you are certain that you need to get a divorce, you have already done the hard part. Taking the journey from here is much easier after you’ve taken the first step. Contact Sunshine Isaacson & Hecht, LLP today to speak to someone who cares and to get started on your path to freedom. It all starts with a call!